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My Space

Started by Darkling, October 10, 2006, 09:00:41 AM

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Well, I've got a MySpace account now. I'll be posting vids and whatnot there. It's kind of drab right now as I don't have time to build it the way I want it to look. But I have my first actual pvp vid up on it for your viewing pleasure. It's very amateur cause I had to use Windows Movie Maker. I have Pinnacle Studio 10, but for some reason it doesn't want to work. Go figure. Thinking about getting Adobe Elements to use. If any of you know some really good video editing software out there besides the 2 I have listed, let me know.

Here is the link to my page:


Adobe Premiere has always been my video editing software of choice.  It has everything you could ever need and a lot more.  The only downside (other than the cost) is that much more effort is required to do simple things until you get familiar with the program.  Sony also has a program called Vegas which I hear is a little simpler but still very functional.


You have 1 friend.  LOL this made me chuckle :)


Just FYI, im going to brainstorm some and figure a way for guild members to easily upload videos. I know a lot of us like to take em now but theres no real effective means at the moment to put it up either on the forum or site. Im gonna think up something and ill see what I can do. Im not a huge fan of MySpace because of the zillion ads and how it doesnt seem to be too browser stable at times, so Id like to see if its at all possible for me to offer some space for videos for us here.
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


I added you with my band's myspace. I dont have a personal one.


Myspace... place of evil...  :hauntedhouse:


Yeah, my space was all i could get for now. eventually i may actually just get some webspace or something.


If it means that PvP vids go up, I'll be there  :pumpk7:


My next vid should be a lot better. I'm going to actually take some time and edit it. I have my pinnacle studio 10 working now, and i already had sony vegas, which i don't really like.


I made a PoS vid with Windows Movie Maker a long time ago, and the program worked surprisingly well for that.


i have a myspace but i made it for the sole reason of seeing how the video uploading works there....i have 0 friends but it says i have 1 for some reason lol


That 1 friend is the guy who works for myspace to answer questions you may have about it. I deleted him from my friends list on there.


Quote from: Thingiebob on October 10, 2006, 09:08:54 PM
That 1 friend is the guy who works for myspace to answer questions you may have about it. I deleted him from my friends list on there.

i know i removed him from my list but it says i still have 1 friend...but no one on the list...wierd.



Geno, so basically you have a friend, but he/she doesn't want to publicly admit he/she is your friend?  *tease*