Guild Wars

Started by Darkling, October 23, 2006, 08:32:18 AM

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In my curiosity, I went ahead and bought Guild Wars yesterday. I played for about an hour last night after I logged off of WoW. At first I thought it woul dbe kinda cool. The graphics were pretty decent, not quite as cartoonish as WoW.

I was thinking it woul dbe similar to WoW and SWG, but it isn't. the only places to socialize and see other people are inside the towns. When you leave the town, the worls is instanced specifically for you. In a way it's nice because there are no kill steals, but there is no social aspect either.

You are allowed two professions. This isn't like WoW at all. The professions are classes, so you are allowed two classes, a primary and a secondary. I have a Ranger/Elementalist, Ranger being my primary. The combat in my opinion sucks. I like the hands on of WoW instead of the automatic aspect of GW. You are allowed to use 8 skills at any given time outside the town, and you have to choose those 8 you are going to use out of your list of skills you can do. Being a noob to this game, I find this pretty damn cheesy. You should be able to use any of your skills at anytime.

This is my first take of it. I'll post more later.


I played the original GW for a while after i burnedout of can be a fun game, but it is not a EQ / WOW / FFIX substitute...bascially you can choose eiter to have a premade charachter at the highest level, or start from scratch and quest to get your character up....all fights are common area except for cities to inteact with other players...when you go into the world / instance you can either hire henchman (comp controleld helpers) or other do pick a major class and a subclass like TB said, so you can pick, say, a warrior main with a monk subclass and essentially have a paladin...

its pretty geared towards PVP do 5 versus 5 arena battlles that are pretty fun...there is a definitive quest line, not like WOW, where you know for certain there is an end...however...this is bad becuase once you finish the game the only thing left to do is major gripe with the game is 1) the level 20 cap, and 2) there really is no armor just go from armor set to armor set - at a fixed interval with no variation in between...

i wouldnt recommend it if you like WOW...its a time waster at best...only loosely a MMORPG


I agree. I logged around 1000 hours on the first GW installment. I didn't get the second(factions), and probably won't get the third(nightfall), though I heard it will be good.

It was fun for  awhile, mind you it was my first online game, but got old. The lvl 20 ceiling and the lowly "max" damage weapons are a down IMHO. However, some swear by this game just as we do about WOW, so to each his/her own I suppose...


I tried it. I dislike it.


I'm warming up to it. Been playing it this morning and took some screen shots of my character and 1 cool bit of scenery I found. I'm kind of neutral to it right now.


yeah....the graphics are pretty amazing...ill give ya that...but level 4 your already 1/5 of the way to max :)

i like the fact that you can just hit X and close down the whole game in a snap


Yeah, kinda funny how this game is. I asked about upgrading/enhancing my bow, and I was told I need to get to Post. When I asked what that meant, I was called a stupid noob. Oh well.


Post searing. Post searing is when you get your secondary profession, then talk to a guy near where you started in Ascelon. He will have a quest to go out on a patrol and that you will be gone a while. He will warn you that you will be gone a long time and not able to come back. When you say yes, a timer will go on a countdown while the game pairs you up to do your first arena game 4 on 4. And a little adaveture alone with it afterwards. Then a cinematic will play out how the char destroy the kingdom in what is called the searing and then you will be deposited outside the remains of the former city. Once you make this step you are officially "post".

Hope that helps TB.


That helps quite a bit. I got my secondary profession already, obviously. I'll try it tonight and see how it goes.


Just keep in mind, the higher level you are when you leave the better off. Lots stick it out to about lvl 8 on average. You will fare better in the arena match and be stronger when you get to post, which is more difficult. Good luck my friend.


Haha, I highly doubt I make it that high in level. This game is just something to kill the time with. Maybe I will reach at least lvl 8, but like I said, I doubt it.


Well, if you do decide to play it out, the more quests you do in pre searing, as well as post means less buying of skills which require a skill point. Now, skill points are fairly precious since you only get one for each level, plus the missions/ special quests give them too.  So by the time most farm out all the quests in pre-searing that give skills they are usually 6-8 level.


I gave up GW for now. I'm playing EQ2 a little bit. Got a, yeah you guessed it, half-elf assassin. closest thing to a rogue there imo. It's ok. I'm mainly on WoW though on Andorhol server leveling my UD rogue there.


okay TB...back away from the EQ2...slowly....thats like going from windows XP (WOW) to Windows 3.1...


Never had Windows 3.1...Does Commodore 64 or Apple IIE count? (I still have an Apple IIE in storage in Indiana with my original Atari 2600 and ALL the games..Retro!)