Mount / Pet / Title Randomizer

Started by Kothnok, February 28, 2010, 11:06:38 PM

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I found this randomizer for all the various mounts and pets that I have and like it.

A nice feature with it is that you rank your pets & mounts so that ones you like will appear more often.  It also has a Hot Item where something new you get or like more than anything else will appear much more often for a time so you don't have to keep readjusting your rankings whenever you get a new pet/mount/title.

I don't use the title changer so much but nice to have.

To use the addon, it's easiest to make a macro for it.
/pd togglemount

Druids should use the /cancelform so that if you are in a form already, it will force you out of form so you can mount up.

The pet one is just
/pd tc

No matter how often you refill the gene pool, there's always a shallow end.